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|您的位置>>大会专题讲座>>眼底病>>He S, YX Chen, Jin ML, Barron E, Ryan SJ, Hinton DR Department of ophthalmology, Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California and Doheny Eye Institute, CA, USA.[转载] 发送给好友  发表评论,已评论6次   阅读:7065次 关键词:新生血管

   [作者]: maojin [单位或文章来源]: Takashi Kitaoka, MD, PhD Associate Professor, Nagasaki University [加入时间]:2002/8/24
  He S, YX Chen, Jin ML, Barron E, Ryan SJ, Hinton DR Department of ophthalmology, Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California and Doheny Eye Institute, CA, USA.   
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Introduction: Choroidal neovascularization (CNV) is one of the major causes
of blindness and the manifestations are various. These include age-related
macular degeneration, myopic subfoveal neovascularization, idiopathic
neovascularization, angioid streaks, etc. So far, several treatment
methods have been reported. Laser photocoagulation, radiation,
transpupillary thermotherapy, and photodynamic therapy are used to treat
CNV, including the subfoveal type. Although transpupillary thermotherapy
and photodynamic therapy have some effect, we do not find a great increase
in visual acuity. Machmer reported macular translocation for age-related
macular degeneration using 360 degree peripheral retinotomy
(full-retinotomy macular translocation), but the complication rate was very
high. Macular translocation by artificial retinal detachment and scleral
shortening (limited macular translocation) was reported. After development
of new devices and new technologies, the efficacy of full-retinotomy
macular translocation is improving. I report here the results of
full-retinotomy macular translocation and its complications.

Surgical Procedure:
1. Phocoemulcification.
2. Core vitrectomy.
3. Artificial posterior vitreous detachment.
4. Artificial retinal detachment.
5. Retinotomy.
6. Macular translocation.
7. Laser photocoagulation.
8. IOL implantation.
9. Silicone oil tamponade.

We performed macular translocation on the 42 eyes of 42 patients. The
eyes from 32 cases manifest age-related macular degeneration. Eight eyes
have myopic CNV, one eye contains angioid streaks, and one eye is
idiopathic. New fixation point is located at the new fovea. Mean visual
acuity is 0.04 preoperatively, and 0.14 postoperatively. Visual acuity
decreased in 4 cases. Retinal detachment occurred in 4 cases. Retinal
pigment epithelial detachment occurred in 5 cases. Retinal hemorrhage like
BRVO is observed in 4 cases. In these 4 cases, rotation angles were
relatively large. In all cases, cyclotropia occurred. Epiretinal membrane
occurred in 6 cases. These all complications were treated successfully.

Complication rate is relatively high but macular translocation is very
effective for improvement of visual acuity in patients of choroidal

  • 上篇文章The role of novel growth factors in the development of proliferative vitreoretinopathy.
  • 下篇文章黄斑部视网膜前膜发病机理
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    He S, YX Chen, Jin ML, Barron E, Ryan SJ, Hinton DR Department of ophthalmology, Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California and Doheny Eye Institute, CA, USA.