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   [作者]: maojin [单位或文章来源]: Guthoff R, Stave J, Schneider H, Stachs O Rostock University, Dept. of Ophthalmology, P.O.Box 10 08 88, D-18055 Rostock, Germany [加入时间]:2002/8/24 [稿件录用方式]: 书面交流
  In vivo confocal microscopy - from optic disc analysis to anterior segment evaluation   
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Three-dimensional analysis of the optic nerve head by laser scanning tomography considerably improves the clinical monitoring of glaucoma patients.
Clinical investigations using automated three-dimensional image analyzers revealed that the longitudinal monitoring of the optic disc using confocal optical systems is an essential part in the care of glaucoma patients.

The same confocal imaging technique introduced in clinical routine for over 10 years can be adapted for anterior segment use.

Isolated and three-dimensionally reconstructed structures of the cornea, such as epithelium, subepithelial and stromal nerves, keratocytes and their subpopulations are reproducibly obtainable. Changes of the ocular surface as well as alterations in the composition of the corneal epithelial layer after penetrating keratoplastics, refractive surgery and infections of the eye can be examined with a magnification of up to 1,000-fold.
Intracellular structures, besides the well defined nucleus are visible, but not yet identified.

It is expected that wound-healing processes as well as interactions between locally applied medications will be new fields of clinical and experimental ophthalmology.

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