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   [作者]: 张新媛 [单位或文章来源]: 北京崇内后沟胡同17号,北京市同仁眼科中心 100730 [加入时间]:2003/9/16 0:04:10 [稿件录用方式]: 第一会场发言116
  targardt 病黄斑色素及基因型和表现型的相关分析   
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Objective: To test the hypothesis that the macular pigment maybe a marker of foveal cone function and consequently the structural integrity of foveal cones and further of evaluate the Correlation of the phenotype and genotype on Macular Stargardt dystrophy. Methods: Sixteen patients (32 eyes)diagnosed to have Stargardt dystrophy by clinical were studied with a scanning laser ophthalmoscopy (SLO) comparing argon laser blue and infra-red images for the presence or absence of macular pigment (MP)in the fovea. Fifteen of the STGD patients were screened for mutations in the ABCR gene. An C computer based program was used to evaluate the density of MP. Eyes were graded into three categories: those without foveal macular pigment, those with partial pigment and those with normal amounts of macular pigment. These categories were compared with visual acuity determined by the Snellen chart. And the relationship of STGD genotype and phenotype was evaluated. Results: All patients with a visual acuity of 20/200 or worse had no macular pigment in the fovea. All patients with visual acuity of 20/40 or better had a normal of macular pigment in the fovea. Patients with partial macular pigment had intermediary acuity values except for two eyes, one with 20/20 and another with 20/200 acuity. There was a tendency for patients with mutations near the 5’end of the ABCR gene to have a more severe phenotype than with defects near the 3’end . Conclusions: Foveal macular pigment is closely related to foveal cone acuity and therefore may be a marker for the presence of foveal cones, Gene defects towards the 5’end of the ABCR gene are more severe than defects towards the 3’end . Infrared light is a sensitive indicator of early Stargardt’s disease.

  • 上篇文章极度偏位瞳孔的修复与重建
  • 下篇文章卵黄样黄斑营养不良VMD2基因新突变
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