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Color Atlas of Strabismus Surgery: Strategies and TechniquesPDF版
运行环境: Win9x/NT/2000/XP/2003 文件大小: 12963 K
软件等级: ★★★ 软件类别: 医学软件
开 发 商: Kenneth … 软件语言: 简体中文
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软件添加: 审核:毛进 录入:毛进 添加时间: 2008-5-31 22:20:25
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From the reviews of the third edition:

"This textbook is an atlas that covers the management of a wide range of strabismus disorders using surgical techniques of varying complexity. It is an updated third edition  and intended for surgeons of diverse experience, from the resident ophthalmologist to the most experienced stabismologist.  The other major addition is a fully edited color DVD demonstrating almost all of the major strabismus procedures. Overall, I greatly enjoyed this excellently composed compendium of strabismus surgery." (Megumi Iizuka, American Orthoptic Journal, Vol. 57, 2007)

Product Description

2.7% of children in the US are born with or develop strabismus (crossed eyes) in the early years of life. (The incidence rates are similar in much of the developed world.) While the condition only rarely leads to blindness, it can have long-term impacts on ocular health. Left untreated, one eye will eventually become dominant over the other, heightening the concern over injury or illness in the "good" eye. Strabismus can be treated therapeutically with eye patches, but the success rate isnt optimal. More often, surgical correction is the path chosen not only for cosmetic/social reasons but also because it is more medically effective.

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