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Chapter 22: Low Vision
Faye EE (editor): Clinical Low Vision, 2nd ed. Little, Brown, 1984.
Faye EE: Low vision aids. In: Clinical Ophthalmology. vol 1: Refraction. Duane TD (editor). Harper & Row, 1990.
Faye EE: Pathology and visual function. In: Functional Assessment of Low Vision. Rosenthal BP, Cole RG (editors). Mosby, 1996.
Faye EE, Stuen CS: The Aging Eye and Low Vision: A Study Guide. The Lighthouse, 1995.
Freeman PB, Jose RT: The Art and Practice of Low Vision. Butterworth-Heinemann, 1997.
The Lighthouse Catalog. Consumer catalog featuring products for the visually impaired and blind. Phone: 800-346-9579
Lighthouse Continuing Education. Annual catalog of courses, seminars and symposia. Fax: 212-821-9705; e-mail:
Lighthouse Information and Resource Service: Information and pamphlets about eye conditions, visual impairment, and blindness. Phone: 212-821-9200, XT 798.
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