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Intraocular Pressure in Northern China in an Urban and Rural Population. The Beijing Eye Study         
Intraocular Pressure in Northern China in an Urban and Rural Population. The Beijing Eye Study
作者:Liang Xu… 文章来源:(1)Beijing Institute of Ophthalmology, Tongren Hospital, Beijing, China 点击数:2135 更新时间:2005/6/30 17:28:14
Purpose. To evaluate intraocular pressure (IOP) and its demographic associations in an urban and rural population in Northern China. Design. Population-based cohort study. Methods. In the Beijing Eye Study, IOP was measured by non-contact pneumotonometry. Mean age was 56.20  10.59 years (40 – 101 years). Results. Mean IOP was 16.11  3.39 mm Hg (median, 16 mm Hg; range, 7 to 60 mm Hg). In the rural group and the urban population group, respectively, IOP was significantly (p=0.016 and p=0.029, resp.) lower in the high-age group (75+ years) than in the middle-age group (55-64 years). In the rural group, IOP was additionally significantly lower in the age group of 40-44 years than in the middle-age group suggesting a reversed U-like course. A multiple regression analysis revealed that IOP significantly increased with myopia (p=0.024), and that it was statistically independent of rural area versus urban area (p=0.12) and gender (p=0.71). Conclusions. In the Northern Chinese population, mean and median of IOP as measured by pneumotonometry is 16 mm Hg with a normal range (mean +/- two standard deviations) of 10 to 22 mm Hg. In cross-sectional analysis, IOP slightly increased towards an age of 55-64 years, and decreased towards higher ages. IOP increased with myopia. It was not associated with rural versus urban region or gender.
会议投稿录入:aya610    责任编辑:毛进 
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