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Clinical observation of cataract extraction, intraocular lens implantation and  trabeculectomy.         
Clinical observation of cataract extraction, intraocular lens implantation and  trabeculectomy.
作者:Meiling … 文章来源:Department of ophthalmology, Bohai oil hospital, Tang Gu Tianjin 300452 点击数:1645 更新时间:2005/6/30 17:14:32
Objective To investigate the effect of small incision cataract extraction, intraocular lens(IoL) implantation and trabeculectomy (21 surgery) in the treatment of glaucoma complicated with cataract. Methods with the combined surgery, 21 cases of glaucoma complicated with cataract were treated and were followed up for 6 - 24 months. Results The preoperative visual acuity was averaged 0.05 and postoperative was averaged 0.45. In 14 cases(67%), the postoperative visual acuity was higher than 0.5. The preoperative intraocular pressure was averaged 28.01±2.65 mmHg, at the end of follow up, the intraocular pressure was averaged 14.44±1.83 mmHg . Conclusion In the treatment of glaucoma complicated with cataract, the 21 surgery can effectively control intraocular pressure and restore useful vision . Key words
会议投稿录入:aya610    责任编辑:毛进 
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