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作者:张虹  李… 文章来源:华中科技大学同济医学院附属同济医院眼科 点击数:1410 更新时间:2005/4/27 0:14:05
【摘要】 目的 观察正常人和泪道阻塞患者骨性泪道的形态并测量其长度和直径,了解原发性鼻泪道阻塞(primary nasolacrimal duct obstruction ,PNDO)与骨性泪道解剖结构之间的关系。方法 利用多层螺旋CT及其重建软件观察43例正常人和21例PNDO患者骨性泪道的形态并测量其长度和最狭窄处直径。结果 正常人和PNDO患者平均骨性泪道的长度分别是(13.23±1.58)mm和(13.70±1.17)mm,差异具有显著性。正常人和PNDO患者骨性泪道的最小直径平均值分别是(4.11±0.53)mm和(3.06±0.40)mm,差异具有显著性。正常人中男性和女性骨性泪道的最小直径平均值分别是(4.38±0.56)mm和(3.76±0.36)mm,也具有显著性差异。结论 长和窄的骨性泪道可能是导致PNDO的因素之一。多层螺旋CT可以对泪道系统清晰的显影。 To measure and evaluate the bony lacrimal canal with CT three-reconstruction 【Abstract】 Objective To measure the diameter and length of the bony canal in the normal and primary nasolacrimal duct obstruction(PNDO) and ascertain whether there is an association between the structure of the bony canal and PNDO. Methods Using helical computed tomography with three-dimensional reconstruction, we measured the minimum diameter and the length of the bony nasolacrimal canal in the control group of 43 cases normal human and in 21 patients with PNDO. Results The difference between the mean length in control group(13.23 mm±1.58mm) and that in PNDO group(13.70 mm±1.17mm)was significant. There was a significant difference about the mean minimum diameter in control group(4.11mm±0.53mm) and in PNDO(3.06mm±0.40mm) group. The mean minimum diameter in women group was (3.76±0.36) mm, which was significantly smaller than that in men group(4.38±0.56)mm. Conclusion The small diameter and long length of the bony canal appear to be the etiologic factors in PNDO. Helical computed tomography with three-dimensional reconstruction is a good method to visualize the lacrimal duct system.
会议投稿录入:一刀_2002    责任编辑:毛进 
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