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Diabetes insipidus associated with normal tension glaucoma: A case report         ★★★
Diabetes insipidus associated with normal tension glaucoma: A case report
作者:孔祥斌 文章来源:佛山第二人民医院 点击数:603 更新时间:2012/9/13 11:58:00
We report a normal tension glaucoma(NTG) case with diabetes insipidus who complained of blurred vision for 3 years.The patient received comprehensive systemic and eye examinations. The skull MRI was normal and the anterior chamber angle was wide. Optic disc was consistent with a typical change of glaucoma, but intraocular pressure(IOP) was within normal range without medication use. The patient was diagnosed as NTG based on ocular findings. To our knowledge, this is the first report on a NTG case with diabetes insipidus.We speculate that the diabetes insipidus may cause low intracranial pressure(ICP) that is associated with the development of NTG.
会议投稿录入:毛进    责任编辑:毛进 
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