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Clinical Pearls in the Prevention of Endophthalmitis after Catract Surgery         ★★★
Clinical Pearls in the Prevention of Endophthalmitis after Catract Surgery
作者:Tetsuro … 文章来源:. 点击数:616 更新时间:2012/9/13 11:58:00

Prevention of endophthalmitis after cataract surgery remains a difficult topic to study given the low incidence, but everyone will agree that prevention will always be preferable to a cure. Preoperative application of povidone-iodine has been recognized as the standard protocol for the prophylaxis of postoperative endophthalmitis. We herein would like to propose the use of diluted povidone-iodine solution for repeated irrigationof the surgical field during surgery as well asaddition of fluoroquinoloneeye drops (levofloxacin) into the balanced salt solution to be used for hydrodissection. We also recommend the use of pre-loaded injector system for intraocular lens implantation in reducing the risk of this rare but serious infection.

会议投稿录入:毛进    责任编辑:毛进 
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