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作者:叶良  文章来源:温州医学院附属眼视光医院  点击数2194  更新时间:2005/5/29 17:14:39  文章录入:moondowner  责任编辑:毛进
文章以温州医学院附属眼视光医院的成功信息化建设为例,提出重视整体管理和良好地规划和实施员工培训是医院信息化建设成功的关键因素的观点。并进一步通过(1)领导的重视对员工培训的影响,从上至下进行负责和组织的作用;(2)进行员工的信息化意识培养的重要性;(3)系统全局化的观念对于信息系统建设的意义;(4)要自上而下地开展培训工作等要点对上述观点进行了分析与论述。 【Abstract】 Citing the IT development of the ophthalmology and optometry hospital of Wenzhou Medical College as an example,the authors point out that emphasizing the programming and design of the people’s training is the key to the IT development of the hospital. They argue that a hospital must have leaders and managers that stress the people’s training work in the IT development of the hospital; it must be able to develop the IT consciousness of the people; it must be able to build up completely the concept of the system overall situation; and it must be able to develop the training work from top to bottom.
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