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prevalence of low vision and blindness in Shenzhuang Village,Cixian County,Hebei Province,China.
作者:杨顺玲  文章来源:邯郸眼科医院白内障中心  点击数2966  更新时间:2008/1/29  文章录入:毛进  责任编辑:毛进
Title:Prevalence of low vision and blindness in Shenzhuang Village,Cixian County,Hebei Province,China.
Author:Yang Shunling
Address: Cataract Center of Handan Eye Hospital,Hebei Province,China. 056001
Aim:To estimate the prevalence of low vision and blindness in age group 30 and above in a rural village, China.
Method:Descriptive cross-sectional study was implemented.

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