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Diurnal Intraocular Pressure Profiles in Chronic Open-Angle Glaucoma
作者:Jost B. …  文章来源:(1) Department of Ophthalmology, Faculty of Clinical Medicine Mannheim, University of Heidelberg, Mannheim, Germany  点击数3814  更新时间:2006/7/10 20:31:10  文章录入:毛进  责任编辑:毛进
Purpose. To evaluate day-and-night intraocular pressure (IOP) profiles in normal and glaucomatous eyes. Methods. The hospital-based clinical observational study included 3561 day-and-night profiles of IOP measurements performed on 1408 eyes of 720 normal Caucasian subjects or chronic open-angle glaucoma patients. The 24-hour pressure profiles obtained by Goldmann applanation tonometry contained measurements at 7 a.m., noon, 5 p.m., 9 p.m., and midnight. Results. For all except the secondary open-angle glaucoma group, IOP was highest at 7 a.m., followed by the measurements at noon, and 5 p.m., and finally at 9 p.m. or midnight. In the secondary open-angle glaucoma group, mean measurements did not vary significantly during day and night. The profile amplitude (mean  S.D., 5.5  2.8 mm Hg) was significantly (p<0.001) higher in the secondary open-angle glaucoma group than in the normal-pressure glaucoma group and the normal group. The two latter groups did not vary significantly (p=0.473) in profile amplitude. Expressed as percentage of the mean intraocular pressure value, the intraocular pressure amplitude did not vary significantly between any of the study groups. The inter-eye IOP difference for any measurement time was significantly (p<0.001) smaller than the IOP profile amplitude. Conclusions. Treated secondary open-angle glaucoma eyes may not exhibit the normal day-and-night pressure profile which is usually shown in normal eyes and treated eyes with other types of chronic open-angle glaucoma. The day-and-night IOP amplitude in absolute terms is highest in secondary open-angle glaucoma. In relative terms, the IOP amplitude may not vary significantly between various types of chronic open-angle glaucoma. Inter-eye IOP differences are significantly (p<0.001) smaller than the IOP profile amplitude.
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