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作者:陈琳  刘…  文章来源:重庆医科大学附属第二医院眼科 400010  点击数1601  更新时间:2004/5/27  文章录入:毛进  责任编辑:毛进
目的 研究低强度超声对实验性兔高眼压的影响。方法 用地塞米松建立高眼压兔眼模型。随机分为正常对照组,超声组:根据声功率不同分为为0.25W/cm2(A)、0.50 W/cm2(B)、0.75 W/cm2(C)组,超声组随机选择一眼作不同剂量的超声照射,另一眼作超声假照射,连续5天并监测眼压。处理后,采用组织病理学观察兔眼前房角组织结构变化,免疫组化(SP法)及图像分析观察小梁外基质的变化。结果 B、C组处理眼与未处理眼眼压比较,眼压下降有显著性差异(P<0.01);且B、C组之间眼压降低程度也有显著性差异(P<0.01)。组织学观察显示:处理后小梁胶原束呈细长成束状排列,间隙较为处理组明显增大;免疫组化显示:实验B、C组胶原I、层粘连蛋白及纤维连接蛋白的表达明显低于对照组(P<0.05),A组的表达与对照组无显著性差异。结论 适当剂量的低强度超声对实验性兔高眼压的降低有显著性,超声的降眼压作用可能与小梁的组织病理改变及超声机械震荡作用小梁外基质的疏松有关。 Experimental study of low-intensity ultrasound on high IOP of rabbits Chen lin,Liu su The second affiliated hospital of Chongqing medical university [Abstract]Objective:To study the effect of low-intensity ultrasound on rabbit’s high IOP(intraocular pressure) model.Methods: High IOP models created in rabbit by decasterolone were randomly classified into control group and ultrasound group (classifed into 0.25W/cm2(A)、0.50 W/cm2(B)、0.75 W/cm2(C) group.In the ultrasound group, one eye of a rabbit was exposed in ultrasound in random , and the other eye was in pseudo-exposure in 5 days. IOP was monitored in the process. After the treatment, angle of anterior chamber was observed by histopathologic method, and trabecula matrix was analysized by immunohistochemistry and image analysis system. Results: Comparising with control eye, the IOP of treating eye in group B,C decreased markedly (P<0.01);and the decrease of IOP in group B,C is marked(P<0.01).Histology observation shows: after treatment, trabecula collagen arrayed in slender bands, interspace was wider the control eye. Immunohistochemistry shows: the expression of collagenI,laminin and fibronectin was lower in group B,C(P<0.05)than control group ,but group A has no significance.Conclusion: Proper dosage low-intensity ultrasound can decrease experimental high IOP in rabbit model. The mechanism maybe relate with the change of trabecular meshwork histologic structure and the rarefaction of trabecula by ultrasound oscillating effect .
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