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Wet-lab Cataract Surgery Training Project in JSIEC         
Wet-lab Cataract Surgery Training Project in JSIEC
作者:Jenny Ka… 文章来源:Shantou University/Chinese University of Hongkong Joint Shantou International Eye Center, Shantou 点击数: 更新时间:2005-6-15 20:10:28
[Abstract:] Objective: Cataract is still the main reason to cause Chinese blindness, and the speed of cataract surgery done is still slower than that of the disease occurence. So it’s vital to training more eligible eye doctors to master this surgery. This study is to establish a more effective way for training doctors to master cataract surgery. Methods: Under the director’s guideline, all the rotation doctors and further study doctors in JSIEC enrolled the training project. The project had following characteristics: 1)Superior senior Indian and Hongkong eye doctors are in charge of the teaching, sharing their rich experience tips, practice comments and individual suggestions. 2)Using international techniques to turning pig’s transparent lens into cataract similar to senile cataract of human being. 3) Arranging a high grade microscopy and a set of sharp instruments for doctors to operate. 4) Innovating and importing new techniques to improve the cataract surgery, such as training the sutureless ECCE. Results: All the doctors showed much more interesting to this kind of training. And most of them could succeed in doing the surgery after a few months'training. Conclusion: It's an effective and feasible way for an eye center to train junior doctors to do the cataract surgery from the pig eyes . And superior instructing teachers, international techniques and ideas both in lab and clinic, excellent machines and instruments are the three key points for doctors to easier and more interesting learning ongoing. Key words: Wet-lab, cataract surgery, training 白内障手术实验室培训的模式探讨 汕头大学/香港中文大学联合国际眼科中心/ 目的:探索更有效的方式培养医生的白内障手术技术。白内障是我国主要的致盲性眼病,而学习该手术需要时日,本院的目标旨在通过培训,使得所有的医生都可能尽快的学会做很好的白内障手术。 方法:在领导的高度重视下,在对JSIEC的低年资医生及相关进修医生行实验室白内障手术培训。该培训有以下特点:1)超高水平的老师指导:聘用香港和印度高年资具有丰富经验和擅长教学的手术医生作为规范的理论要点小讲课和猪眼动物实验的现场操作细节指导:包括做切口,注入粘弹剂,撕囊,水分离水分层,扩大切口,缅核,缝线等。2)使用国际化最新的技术和方法制造类似人眼的白内障模型:在使用38%的甲醛和100%的甲醇以2:1的比例分别注射入猪眼的囊膜前0.1ml, 和撕囊后的透明晶体核内0.1ml;可在1-3分钟内将猪眼前囊膜弹性类似人眼,并可将猪眼的透明晶体转变成类似老年性白内障NO4/NC4(LOCS Ⅲ ),并能在操作中始终保持屈光媒介的透明和后囊膜的完整。3)采用给人眼做手术的同等高级显微镜和手术器械专用于培训。这样把仪器和设备带给初学者的的困难大大降低。4)不断创新和引进新技术和方法,比如普及无缝线白内障囊外摘除手术(sutureless ECCE); 大大缩短手术时间,并相对于传统的ECCE提高了术后的效果,并被熟练医生应用于扶贫的手术方案之一。5)对为扶贫和进修医生的白内障手术培训先在猪眼的练习也大大促进了在正式人眼该手术的学习过程。 结果:通过每周一次的专家指导和平时的练习,大多数医生基本能在猪眼顺利操作。并提高了学习的兴趣,降低了学习的器械阻力,有易于新手术方式的创新和引进。 结论:普及白内障手术而从猪眼开始的强化规范练习是一种有效的培训手段;其中优秀的老师,与国际接轨的技术信息的革新与引用,良好的设备平台是培训手术获得良好成效的关键。
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