Fig. 5. Fluid secretion by rat lacrimal gland. Receptor activation stimulates K+ channels that extrude K+ across the basolateral membrane and Cl and K+ across the apical membrane into the lumen. Water then follows. Movement of Cl into the lumen drives cations from paracellular spaces into the lumen. Because of the decreased cellular concentrations of K+ and Cl, the Na+/K+/2Cl cotransporter becomes active to replace intracellular K+ and Cl. The Na+/H+ exchanger becomes active to extrude H+. The Cl/HCO3 exchanger drives Cl uptake. Na+-K+ ATPase becomes active to extrude Na+ and cause K+ re-uptake. (Reprinted from Hodges RR, Dartt DA: Regulatory pathways in lacrimal gland epithelium. Int Rev Cytol 231:129, 2003, with permission.)