Color Plate 1. A. Patient with JRA demonstrating posterior synechia with scalloped pupil band keratopathy and early cataract formation. B. Fleshy, salmon-colored tumor resting on the inferior angle and attached to the iris in a patient with juvenile xanthogranuloma. C. Gray-white exudate present on the pars plana in a patient with early intermediate uveitis (pars planitis syndrome). D. The presence of leukocoria was the presenting sign in this young patient with toxocariasis. E. Cytomegalovirus retinitis in a patient with AIDS. F. Relatively subtle findings seen in the macula of a patient with subacute sclerosing panencephalitis. (Bloom JN: Uveitis in childhood. Ophthalmol Clin N Am 3:164, 1990)