Fig. 2 . A. Blood supply to the ciliary processes. LCM, longitudinal ciliary muscle; RCM, radial ciliary muscle; CCM, circular ciliary muscle. B. Vascular architecture in the human ciliary body. (1) Perforating branches of the anterior ciliary arteries; (2) major arterial circle of iris; (3) first vascular territory; the second vascular territory is depicted in (4a) marginal route, and (4b) capillary network, in the center of this territory; (5) third vascular territory; (6 and 7) arterioles to the ciliary muscle; (8) recurrent choroidal arteries. Light circles, terminal arterioles; dark circle efferent venous segment. (A, Caprioli AJ: The ciliary epithelia and aqueous humor. In Hart M [ed]: Adler's Physiology of the Eye, p 228. 9th ed. St. Louis: Mosby, 1992; and B, Rohen JW, Funk RH: Vasculature of the anterior eye segment. Prog Ret Eye Res 13:653, 1994)