
Applications Of Low Energy Helium-Neon Laser Therapy For Lacrimal Duct Disorders

Ahsan Mohammad Ali¹, Nargish Akter Jolly¹

¹BNSB, Dhaka Eye Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Treatment of inflammatory diseases of the lacrimal passages is a vital problem of ophthalmology. Helium neon (He-Ne) laser is widely used in modern medicine and ophthalmology too. Application of He-Ne laser provides betterment of tissue blood supply, reduction of tissue edema, stimulation of local mechanisms of immunological defense, increase in sensitivity of micro flora to the antibiotics.

Purpose: To study the effect of He-Ne laser radiations for the treatment of chronic dacryocystitis with partial patency and idiopathic obstruction of nasolacrimal duct.

Materials and methods: Partial patency of the lacrimal duct was retained in all 60 patients whom we observed in the presence of chronic inflammation. After microbiological analysis of smears from the conjunctiva and evaluation of the micro flora sensitivity, adequate instillation antibiotic therapy was prescribed. He-Ne laser exposure was carried out using a ULF -01 device (wavelength 632.8 nm, output irradiation power 20 mw). Laser ray was delivered to the focus of inflammation through a fine lightguide with the external diameter of 2 mm which was inserted into the lacrimal sac until it reached the bone wall. This exposure was carried out twice a week, 3-5 sessions per course.

Pronounced positive effect was attained, purulent discharge ceased or essentially decreased. Active patency of the lacrimal duct, e.g. positive color lacrimal- nasal test, was attained. Dilation of the lacrimal duct was confirmed by x-ray.

Conclusion: We propose that He-Ne laser may be widely used for the treatment of chronic dacryocystitis with partial patency and idiopathic obstruction of nasolacrimal duct.