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child with headache & loss of vision       ★★★★
child with headache & loss of vision
作者:shuandai 文章来源:本站原创 点击数:4354 更新时间:2003/11/17 0:02:50

 >> 协和医学论坛联盟协和眼科医生专业论坛child with headache & loss of vision

child with headache & loss of vision

(这条文章已经被阅读了 66 次) 时间:2003/10/13 01:08pm  来源:shuandai


I put this case here to stimulate discussion and learning. I will post the correct diagnosis at weekend.

5 year old girl K.R. referred for fundus examination
Present Hx:
Sudden loss vision of BE of 3 & ½ weeks
Intermittent headache for 4 moths
Seen by Pediatricians  in Gisborne Hospital
PMHx: Nil
Investigations showed normal FBC,U’s+E,liver function and serum lead level,glucose. LP:normal cell count & protein,CSFP:23cm. CT head normal.
Ocular examination at then:
Corrected VA 6/30 R& L
Bilateral swelling discs
Normal VF
Diagnosis: Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension (IIH)
Treatment includes 2 weeks of:
Systemic Acetazolamide,Frusemide &Steroid
Repeated release of CSF

No improvement of VA & persistent papilloedema.
Transferred to Starship Hospital for Rx,8/08/00.
Shunting procedure to lower CSF Pressure was proposed.
Referred to AKH Ophthalmology service on 10/08/00 for funds examination.
Eye examination AKH
Perfectly healthy child
VA:6/24OU,no improvement č; PH
Full color vision
VF: enlarged blind spots both eyes
Quite anterior segments
Ocular motility: full
Eye exam. ( cont.)
Fundi exam.: see attached pictures

Question: 1. Your diagnosis or differential diagnosis
Question: 2. Your proposed work up of this patient

see you later

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shuandai 发表于: 2003/10/13 08:48pm
Sorry. The history should be: "sudden loss of vision of both eyes for 3 and half weeks."
哨哨嘟嘟 发表于: 2003/10/13 11:30pm
2002yxy 发表于: 2003/10/15 03:53pm
[这个贴子最后由2002yxy在 2003/10/15 11:57am 编辑]

本人还认为是 neuroretinitis,依据:1。相关因素:儿童,秋季,高颅压,头痛
                        治疗:  病因+激素+vitB
shuandai 发表于: 2003/10/29 04:06pm
This child indeed has bilateral neuroretinitis. Findings supportive of this diagnosis are: reduced vision; optic disc swelling, macular star exudates.
findings not supportive of papilloedema are: loss of central vision which only ocurs in late stage of papilloedema.
Can you or anyone be more specific with the diagnosis.

2002yxy 发表于: 2003/10/31 02:42pm
请问  ShuanDai   对此病的治疗体会?
shuandai 发表于: 2003/10/31 09:27pm

This child has bilateral neuroretinitis, previously most would use the term Leber's idiopathic stellate neuroretinitis. Recently, Bartonella Henselae has been identified as the organism causing this type of neuroretinitis. It is also called Cat Scratch Disease. It is much more common than previously thought. It is a self limited disease process which commonly cause headache, loss of vision and raised intracranial pressure. Treatment often not necessary and majority recover their vision in 6-8 weeks. Children with significant encephlitis may require antibiotics treatment such as doxycycline,or erythromycin.
We ophthalmologist have a pivitol role to ascertain the diagnosis to avoid unneccessary investigation and treatments. We should also share our experience with our paediatrician colleagues, so they are aware of such common diseases.
I will attach some paragraphy of my published paper on this child and the discussion about cat scratch disease associated neuroretinitis. I hope it will be useful.

Further History about this child:
K.R.’s family has 2 cats and 3 kittens
She had close contact the cats and kittens prior to her illness
No recall of being scratched by cat, or kittens
Diagnosis ?
Serum Bartonella Henselae titre( IgG 1024) highly positive.
Bilateral Neuroretinitis associated with Cat    Scratch Disease
Treatment ?
Discharge & discontinued all medications
Ophthalmology R/V 4 weeks later AKH
6 weeks later
Systemically well
VA: OD 6/9; OS 6/12+
Fundi exam.:
Any changes in the discs & macula ?
Leber’s Idiopathic Stellate Neuroretinitis. 1916.
Stellate macular exudates
Unknown etiology
Spontaneous resolution
Dreyer et al 1984; modified the terminology of LISN, suggesting a heterogeneous group of conditions can cause similar clinical pictures. He also pointed out that it can be bilateral.many of Leber’s cases may indeed caused by CSD.
Discussion ( cont.)
Secondary causes of Neuroretinitis:
Viral:hepatitis B,HSV,HZV,EBV influenza
Bacterial:Bartonella(CSD),TB,Syphilis,lyme disease
Parasites & protozoa: toxoplasmosis
Others: sarcoidosis, Behcets disease
Most common:
Cat scratch disease
Lyme disease
Neuroretinitis & CSD
Wear et al. 1983, indicated the causative agent of CSD being Gram –ve Bacilli
Sweeney  and Drance.1990 first described Neuroretinitis caused by CSD
Regenry et al. 1992, found high antibody titres (>1:64) to Bartonella henselae in 36 of 41 patients with CSD
Serologic evidence of CSD in Neuroretinitis 64.3% (Eric Suhler, Ophthalmology vol 107,No5 2000)
Ocular manifestations of CSD
Parinaud’s oculoglandular syndrome
Granulomatous conjunctivitis
Regional lymphadenopathy
Loss of vision. 6/9 to PL
Disc swelling
Macular star
Focal infarct
Often unilateral, but can be bilateral
Ocular manifestations of CSD
Optic neuritis/papillitis
Uveitic syndromes
Acute multifocal inner retinitis,or retinal white dot syndrome
Ocular manifestations of CSD
Retinovascular syndromes
Retinal vasculitis
Peripapillary angiomatosis
Others. Vf defects, ocular motor palsy
Ocular features of AIDS-associated CSD
Bacillary angiomatosis in conj & retina

Pathogenesis & Pathology
Pathogen: B. henselae
Pathogenesis still unclear, but both neural and retinal tissues are involved.retinal findings
Hx. NFL infarcts. Macular star
ONH is the principal target in acute neuroretintis, leakage on FFA
Necrotizing granulomatous lymphadenitis present
High index of suspicion
Clinical features
Age. Children & adolescents account for majority cases
Systemic.regional lymphadenopathy.skin lesion
Ocular.macular star,disc swelling
Serological IFA(indirect fluorescein assay) of B. henselae
ELISAs (enzyme linked immunoassays)
IgG & IgM: cut off value > 900 (IgG) ;>250(IgM). F T Kerkhoff, BJO 1999;83:270-275
Lab variation exists.

Differentials of Macular star
Vascular : AION,BRVO,CRVO,diabetic maculopathy,HT
Optic nerve head tumor or infiltrate
Patient education and observation
Patient generally well
Spontaneous recovery of vision in most of patients
No evidence of visual recovery from proposed antibiotics Rx.
Side effects from the drugs.
Antibiotics: doxcycline,rifampin,erythromycin,ciprofloxacin, promote resolution of CSD neuroretinitis. Lack of controlled trial.
Clear evidence of benefit from Rx  in immunocompromised host.


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