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作者:佚名 文章来源:第八届全国眼科学术大会秘书处 点击数:5062 更新时间:2002/8/28
展位号:B6区85、86 地址:北京崇文区东花市北里西区宝泣苑A座806室 电话:010-67103139,67103140 传真:010-67103141 邮编:100062 E-mail:market@purity.com 北京普瑞特公司是专营眼科医疗仪器的集团公司,公司的经营宗旨是:为用户提供富有创造性、性能价格比优良的满意产品; 并致力提高服务品质。 公司的发展策略是:由产品的提供至售后服务及临床培训,采用一条龙的做法。目前除北京总部外,正在广州设立分支机构,为使您购买的仪器更好地服务于临床,公司现已在华北地区及新疆地区建立了系列白内障治疗中心和临床培训基地,希望能为您提供进修、交流的医疗环境。 公司在2000年开始重点引进小儿眼科方面的优秀产品,引进过程是由工程师对新产品作技术方面的评估,认定它的技术含量及售后服务的保证,然后再请临床专家对其作临床鉴定,通过双重鉴定后公司对产品进行正式推广,这项工作展开以来,公司已成功推广了由日本生产的同视机和中心固视练习器,由美国生产的超声乳化仪及其它进口手持验光仪,对比敏感度,手持裂隙灯,视光学等设备。并且在不同地区成功开设了临床基地,以便为医师提供交流的机会。 普瑞特公司全体同仁以专业诚挚的服务、优质满意的产品伴您成功! 让我们携手并进,带给病人更加亮丽的明天! 公司主要产品:美国PARADIGM高档超声乳化系统,日本(英国)产同视机,日本中心注视练习器,美国MTI眼瞬息图像筛分仪,美国OPTEC系列视觉测试系统,美国对比敏感度测试卡及立体测试卡,日本综合验光台,日本手持验光仪,其它小儿眼科产品。 BEIJING PURITY MEDICAL INSTRUMENTS COMPANY Brife Introduction Beijing Purity Medical Instruments Co,.Ltd is a group company which manage the ophthalmic instruments.It is our managerial idea that supply the products with the creative and smart and inexpensive.we will make effort improve our service quality. The development policy is to set up an perfect procedure from good product to excellent service and nice clinic train base .Our head office is in Beijing and found Guangzhou branch.For the products can be extensive acknowledged ,we are establishing clinic train base ,such as we have a series of cataract surgical center and clinic science atmosphere in north district and Xinjiang district of China ,and so on . We have already started to import advanced instruments for wean ophthalmic since 2000 years .In the first place ,our engineer assess its technician and after service.Secondly ,we ask for the expert to test it in clinic effect .With the object developed, there are some one has a good responds,forexample:Japan’s synoptophores and coordinator ,American’s ophthalmic and contrast sensitive ,computer optometry,and so on . Staff of our company wish you can obtain succeed with specialty and earnest of service , with high quality and statisfaction product .Let we go ahead together ,bring the bright future to patient. Mainly production of business: PhacoemulsificationS.I.Stem(American),Synoptiscope(Japan),Central Fixation Coordinator(Japan),MTI Photoscreener(American), Vision Testers Sistem,Functional Acuity Contrast Test ,Stereotests,Synthetical Examine Desk,Handles Optometry and production of pediatric ophthalmology. Health star of Purity Medical treatment world attend to you !
眼科资讯录入:毛进    责任编辑:毛进 
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