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[组图]全球华人准分子激光屈光矫正术研讨会       ★★★
作者:会务组 文章来源:全球华人眼科大会 点击数:19866 更新时间:2006/7/28 0:02:17


How does the future look for excimer laser keratorefractive surgery? Bright! In the US, 10 million procedures have been performed, with a market penetration of 5%. Given the contact lens’s market penetration of 20%, it is likely the annual revenue of $5 billion will double in the next 5-10 years. In China, with a population that is 4-times larger and yet has a much smaller current market penetration, the future of excimer laser keratorefractive surgery is even brighter. The main focus for the technology in the next 5-10 years will be a total abandonment of the traditional constant-lenticule approach and incorporating the consideration of idealizing the “shape of the glass door”, combined topography and wavefront-based customized treatment, improved flap quality and less surgically induced astigmatism, increased amount of surface treatment, and improved technologies to treat post-surgery complex eyes to improve visual quality. From a business and economic view, the focal point will be the emergence of a competitive care-delivery model, with large conglomerate and smaller local centers each occupying a unique niche while low quality treatment centers will disappear.


At her 20-year anniversary, we feel grateful to excimer laser keratorefrative surgery since overall she has brought a positive change to our human experience and has inspired our imagination of visual freedom and energized an entire new spectrum of human endeavor, both in science and technology, as well as in improving both medicine and the business of human vision.


2  LASIK术前术中的注意事项,及手术后可能发生的并发症及处理


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